Waves of Skerry

Sunlight upon the rocks brings up the smell of home
The sea upon the stones
I watched the Donegal and Derry girls go home
Thought I'd never know their names

You who wait between the times when I am gone
Mary of the long look
From Donegal to the house upon the hill
A fisherwife's view

But I have known these waters all my life
I've lived and worked and loved, not out of sight of the waves of Skerry

We who walked along the causeway
Were boys who dared the ocean
Ran the waves until the shingle skinned our backs
And when the big wave came we ran for our lives

But she was dragging by the roads, too big to ride it
We fought our way out, never out of sight of the waves of Skerry

These waves have been the life of men like me
Since men have lived in Antrim
Old ways; we make our living from the sea
And I will not be the last one

But we could not make harbour from the white rocks
We headed south but we were out of sight of the waves of Skerry

I thought I'd never know your name
Mary of the long look
And when the big wave came we ran for our lives
And I will not be the last one

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