Alison, she said, walk with me tonight by the harbour
We will watch the stars
We'll dance among the stones
And you need fear no stumble
For I shall hold your hand
I shall hold your hand
And so with stealthy grace from town they slipped away like shadows
Silent in the dark
No priest or layman saw Alison led boldly
By hand and step, the sand beneath her wet
Between the waves and seawall
Between the waves and seawall
Alison, she said, let go your heavy vest
That we might skip more lightly
Let down your raven hair
That it might fall around you
Likewise your steel & silver
Likewise your steel & silver
And so she let them fall, and with them her resolve
Always to heed the ocean
And so upon the sand they laid their bodies down
And as they slept the silent ocean crept
The waves grew ever higher
The waves grew ever higher
Alison, she said, wake up the tide is high
And we are hard by the seawall
The waves are coming fast
And I fear we are lost
For we must brave the ocean
For we must brave the ocean
And so they turned away from the harbour wall to face the tide
The swirling grey black ocean
The water cold and dark pressed into their hearts
By hand and brine
Maidens intertwined
They found them so next morning
They found them so next morning
Released on Race for the Sun, 2019