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Strong Winds for Autumn

Strong winds for Autumn
Better bring those engines up
No sail can carry my love
No words will guide her
The calling voice is silent

And I watched them make turns for ten knots
I went each day to the end of the dock
Till the day my Annie sailed
On the last boat down the weeping loch

When the sickness came
I suffered with my friends
One day I thought the world would end
In the dark I called her name
The others there heard nothing

And I watched them make turns for ten knots
I felt her wak with my feet in the surf
Till even that was calm
And the last boat had gone

Sail away my Annan love
No breeze can catch you now
It's all clear
There's only memories here
This year will know no winter

And I watched them make turns for ten knots
the cries of the gulls filled the air as I watched
The day my Annie sailed
On the last boat down the weeping loch

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