Saint Dolores

Quiet sunny streets shaded by the trees
Wasn't always as sweet as this
I came here in a dream, 1973
Before the walls came down around our ears

The whole world is shaking
But he can't open his eyes
At the risk of waking
Just to turn around and see the sky

Now won't you join me up by the Tenderloin
We'll reminisce upon Van Ness awhile
We've got it all together, come up and live a little
If you're a little shy it'll be like old times

Whispered slowly
Warm love by the rail
Lost in the moment
Still standing as the city fell around you

Above the thunder wheels in open sky
Beneath the hum of darkness
Wink of nothing from a poisoned eye
Way down low, way up high

Door open give me shivers; these chills are worse than ever
It's just Virginia with her wares to sell
We'll get on top of this, just like Saint Dolores
And all her sisters lying where they fell

The whole world is shaking
But he can't open his eyes
At the risk of waking
Just to turn around and say goodbye


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