Massachusetts, part 2

The scarlet leaves are all down now
Cover everything around
That stretch of road near Big Hill
Is even scarier now

It freezes every winter
Thaws out in the spring
They fix it every summer
And in the autumn it just falls away again

And I think there's a stream down there
Runs the way it always did
I don't think he knows or cares
That you and I were ever here at all

Maybe I should have called you
Before I set out on the road
But these last few years it's harder
To always do the things I should

But lately I been thinking about
The way we left it when I came down
To the Boston states
We say Massachusetts

I think there's a stream down there
Buried deep, who knows or cares
It runs the way it always did
It runs to
It runs to Massachusetts

The scarlet leaves are all down now
It's just white for miles around
That stretch of road near Big Hill
Is even scarier now


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