Lost stars

Carl's been gone a long time
But I could use his wisdom now I find
With this new event horizon

Understand transmission
Clarify these rules of space and time
Gravity's a killer

Slow acceleration
When the line becomes a point, a pale blue dot
In a distant camera

One day we will journey to the stars
If we don't crash into the Moon
Or fly into the sun while looking back
At what we thought we knew
What we thought we knew

In Oregon it's nightime
But every road to Lyon is on fire
In the furnace of the dawn

The lights of Massachusetts
Can't be seen from here but they still shine
Only if she chooses

In Carpinteria
And that stretch of road near Big Hill there's just dark
Till the tide brings something

I could lose her
But in Portland I recalled her desert heart
And I dreamed of Louis

One day we will journey to the stars
If we don't crash into the Moon
Or fly into the sun while looking back
At what we thought we knew
Maybe we'll find secrets in the dark
If we make it out there
Cross the endless void and find its heart
With no-one left behind
No-one left behind

For Carl


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